5 Minute Story
The 5 minute story is something my church started a few years ago. Someone from the community gets up and shares something that God is doing in their life.
For years, when someone asked if I would share, I said no. I wasn't ready. I hate public speaking. I have nothing to share. The excuses went on and on.
A few weeks ago, on a whim, I volunteered myself to give my story. After I sent the message, I thought I was crazy. After stressing over it for a few weeks, I narrowed down what I wanted to say. Sort of.
The week leading up to the Sunday when I was supposed to share, I wrestled with two different things to share about. Faithfulness. Strength. Faithfulness. Strength. I went back and forth.
When I woke up on Sunday, I decided strength. I would share about my dad and my tattoo. God's strength.
Then throughout worship, I kept coming back to faithfulness and community. So at the last minute, I changed it.
When I went up on stage I was shaking. I thanked the community for standing behind me for so many years. They had become like a family and I loved them. I then shared how God is faithful for bringing that community to my life when I needed them most. When I needed a family, they were there.
When I begun, I had mentioned that I was debating between two different things to talk about and somehow volunteered myself to do it again.
So looks like I'll be doing it again. :)