141. Visit a New State
138. Try a New Restaurant
152. Go on Vacation
What do you do when one of your friends gets married in another state? And a state you haven't been to??? You decide to drive cross country and see your friend get married and combine that with a vacation!!!
I met a lovely lady named Melissa a few years ago at the The Barn. She has been an encouraging force in my life. She is one of those people you want in your life forever. She is a beautiful person inside and out. So naturally, when I got the text that she was engaged, I immediately asked if I could come to the wedding. lol.

After a little planning and begging from my boss to give me time off, I committed. Some say driving cross country with your ex-boyfriend is bad idea. But I did it. We drove out, and then I flew back home since I had to be back at work before he did. The trip started off a little rocky. If you didn't know this about me, let me fill you in... I get motion sick. Easily. So like 90% of my road trips, I got sick within 45 minutes of leaving Springfield. Did I mention it was about a 15 hour trip???
So I turned my side of the car on blast AC, reclined the seat, and took some dramaine. I was awake off and on, but I slept for most of the trip. I woke up once we got to Ohio and stayed awake for the rest of the trip. We drove through West Virginia and then finally we were in Maryland. After getting lost, thanks GPS, and traveling around back country roads, we finally got to where we were meeting Melissa and Matt.
Since I don't want to bore you with all the details, I'll hit the highlights. Thursday, Matt (Melissa's soon to be husband), John and I ran errands for the wedding decorations and hung out. And we went to lunch at a place called Castiglia's Italian Eatery in Keyser, WV. It was delicious!!! So much food, for not a lot of money. I would totally recommend it if you're ever in the area.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful. I have helped plan and been to a lot of weddings. The best weddings are the ones that fit the couple. That reflect their love. This one did just that from every aspect. To the way Melissa was stunning in her dress, to the way Matt looked at her with adoration when she walked down the aisle. The hymns, the love shown to family and friends. They really love each other and it was very evident. I was happy to be a part of such a special day for an amazing couple.
Wedding Selfie... because why not?
Friends reunited. Sue (and Ben) came to the wedding from Rhode Island.
It was good to see her again!
The wedding picture collage.