#131. Buy New Running Shoes
It may not seem like a big deal to get new running shoes, but to me it is. If you know me, you know I use things until they are worn so much they can't be used, especially shoes and clothing.
My last pair of running shoes I bought, I fell in love with. I researched for months on the best shoes for running. I bought them about 4 years ago when I first started my journey to health. I have so many miles on those shoes. Turkey Trot 5k, Color Run 5k, Glow Run 5k, Diva Dash 5k, Girls Just Wanna Run 10k, along with countless workouts and training miles. Those shoe represent something to me: hope. Hope of being better. Hope of finishing a 5k only to do a 10k a year later.
I'm sentimental. But those shoes were a constant. I knew I needed to get new shoes, but I couldn't bring myself to turn them in just yet.
Until this last weekend. I recently signed up for a half marathon. As I began to train it hit me: I'm starting a new chapter. A chapter that will involve new distances and new workouts. I need new shoes. I'm not the same girl who bought the colorful shoes four years ago. I need to change shoes to reflect the changes I am making.
So I did it. On a whim, when I wasn't looking for them, I found a pair of shoes and bought them. They are comfortable, and fit me where I am now. I know what you're thinking I'm reading a lot into a shoe purchase, but it's the little things that mean so much to me. Changing shoes is a big deal. Change is a big deal to me.
So here's to new seasons. New distances. New shoes.
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