Tuesday, June 2, 2015

114. Challenge Myself

114. Challenge Myself.

Challenge myself. That could be any number of things. After the craziness of the past few months, I have decided to get back to working on me. I have let circumstances, relationships, and outside forces get in the way of working on me. Some of those have had a positive influence, but some have had a negative influence. It's time to do me.

As I was going for a run last week, I realized I needed a new challenge in my life. Something to keep me accountable to myself. To make myself healthy. And not just physically, but mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually. I've focused so much on being healthy physically that I let the other stuff go. I'm not saying I went to any extremes, but I didn't make decisions based on a healthy whole person. I made them simply based if it would be good physically. I'm probably not explaining myself well, but stick with me.

It takes more than physical health to make a person a healthy individual. You can run marathons and eat clean all you want, but if you are not making good decisions about what you do socially or dealing (or not) with your emotions, it will reflect eventually.

So I decided to start a challenge for myself. #100daysofhealth. I started yesterday (June 1st) and will continue through the second week in September. 100 days of good decisions. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Socially. Not that every decision every day will be good. That is not the purpose. I would end up beating myself up for the wrong decisions. But one decision a day will be a healthy one. I am going to document my healthy decisions. The goal is for it to become second nature to make good decisions.

So yay! We'll see how it goes. :)

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