Friday, January 16, 2015

#120. Find a Job I love

#120. Find a Job I love

What a journey it has been to find a job, that I like. I know what you're thinking, can someone actually love their job all the time? Well the answer is probably now. But a person can love their job 90% of the time and the other 10% doesn't seem so bad. 

That is where I'm at. And here's how I go there...

Two years ago at this time I was working as a head baker at a cupcake place. After being there for three years, I realized I was never going to advance in the company, nor was I sure I wanted to. So I began looking for other positions. In July of 2013 a friend had told me about a job opening at the college I had graduated with working in the student development office. It seemed like the perfect fit for me. I ended up getting the job, and by August I was not working as a baker and I was full time in the office job. It seemed to good to be true. I was in a Christian organization and I had benefits and a regular 8-5 job and weekends off. 

For me, it was too good to be true. While I always thought I would love to work in an office, I realized it is not for me. I love moving around. I love interacting with people. Surprising, I know. Me, an introvert, loves people... yeah, I kinda do. lol. Anyways, I won't go into the details but in December I was let go. I am grateful for the opportunities that job gave me. The chance to get my carpal tunnel surgery done, the chance to meet some great people, and the chance to realize I didn't want an office job as a career. 

The next few months were very difficult for me. Personally, financially, etc. Fast forward to February, and a normal Wednesday night at Houliahns. A group of us had gone to Houlihans every Wednesday for almost a year at that point. We had gotten to know the servers and the managers. Our server that night, Amy, asked if I was still looking for a job. I said yes. Next thing I know she is giving me an application and the manager is interviewing me before my food came out. 

About a week later, I started as a daytime host. It was intimidating at first, but I like it. I was good at it. It was a strategy game for me of where to seat people to get the most money for the servers and for the business. Plus I have always loved the restaurant and hospitality industry. I'm crazy, I know, but I can't help it. 

Anyway, long story short there was a fire about 2 weeks after I started and we were out for about a month and a half. During that time, I changed. It wasn't an overnight thing, but at the same time it was. I had been seeing a counselor for 4 months, and was making progress. My father passed during that time. It was the lowest I had ever been. I had no choice but to push forward and keep going. If I didn't, who knows what would have happened. 

When we reopened from the fire, I put all of my energy in to my job. I wanted to make a great impression. I would ask for extra cleaning or organizing tasks. I loved it there. I felt like it was great fit and for once, I felt like I fit at a job. 

My boss is amazing. She has helped mold me and give me confidence in my job. Last fall, she approached me about possibly training to become a dining room supervisor (DRS). At first, I immediately thought no. There was no way I could do that. But then one day on a whim, I decided to ask what that would entail. I figured asking wouldn't hurt. 

Next thing I knew, I was training and learning how to manage. Then one day, she released the schedule for the first week of December. The same week the year before I was let go from my position at the college. What was so different about that schedule is that I was schedule to close... by myself!!! Yes, me. Alone. That was the greatest thing she could have ever done. She had enough faith in me to know I could do it. She pushed me when I was going to push myself. 

Almost 2 months later, and I am an official DRS. I close one night a week and a few other shifts and fill the rest in with host shifts. I love it! There are days when I don't like it or I get stressed out, but I love it. 

It is just a simple thing, but I look at my manager card and can't help think of how faithful God is. He has provided in ways I couldn't imagine. Had I not lost my job, and been with out a job for so long, I would have never applied at Houlihans. And now it has opened doors for a potential career. 

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