Saturday, March 2, 2013

Doctor Appointment #1

Can I just say I am not a fan of doctors or urgent care or ERs or anything medical?

Funny part, is that I would love to work in a hospital or do something in the medical field, but when it comes to me being the patient... NO WAY! I hate it.

I went to the doctor on Thursday for my wrist. It has been causing a great deal of pain over the past few months, and whatever I do, doesn't seem to be helping it. So I finally decided it was time.

After waiting about 15 minutes to go back, the nurse takes me in this little office, asks questions, and leaves me to wait for the doctor. The room is tiny, and I could feel myself getting nervous. As the doctor came in, I could tell right away, it wasn't going to be a good visit. He checked my wrist and then proceeded to bend my hand every which way waiting to see how long it took for my fingers to go numb. It was about 30 seconds. After a few more tests, he said he would be sending me on to a neurologist and for further testing.

I don't know about you, but when I hear neurologist, I think bad and expensive. Well, thanks to my insurance, it won't be as expensive, but it will still be 'bad.' The doctor went on to tell me about the nerve conduction test and another test (can't remember the name and I'm too lazy to get my paper work out) they will be doing on me. The tests should be able to tell whether I officially have carpal tunnel.

If it's carpal tunnel, there are steroid injections I can get or if it's really bad, surgery. Both of which, have negatives and positives, mostly negatives, but I am trying to remain positive. The doctor was concerned with my working environment. If it is carpal tunnel, and I get the treatments, he is worried it would come back soon because of the physical aspect of my job. Scooping 1500+ cupcakes a day does not help with any damage. He said it would be like giving someone lap-band surgery and they still continue to eat fast food/same way that got them to be overweight. That was hard to hear. While, I knew it in the back of my mind, it was difficult to hear someone else say it and really let it sink in.

If it is not carpal tunnel, the next test is a diabetes test. And he may decided to give that to me as well. I have a little bit of numbness in my feet and other hand, so he wants to see if it may be because of blood sugar. I am really hoping it is not. But we will see.

The other cause is a thyroid issue. That was one of the ones he didn't really touch on too much, but just mentioned it. I haven't been to the doctor in forever so it's weird having a lot of things thrown at me at once.

However, like I said, I am trying super hard to stay positive and *try* not to over think anything until I get the results back after the test on Tuesday.

I still get scared a bit at the thought of going by myself, but I'm not sure where the line is for asking friends to do that stuff.... but that's for a later entry.

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