Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2 years ago... everything changed

They say time flies when you're having fun. To be honest, time flies even when you're not having fun. It's hard to believe it has been 2 years since I made a decision that would impact my life greatly. No, it wasn't a relationship or something big like that. It was something that seemed so small at the time. So heartbreaking to make. Yet, in the end, so impactful on my life now. It was truly God thing. 

Two years ago on January 29, 2011, I came home from a Saturday of work to find that my roommate had left me a note telling me she had decided to move out. Granted, I hadn't really done my research on the girl. I found her on Craigslist and she only needed to live with me for 2 months, January and February. In my mind, it was perfect. I had this "master plan" to get my life back in order during those two months. Because of course, what had taken years to do, I thought I could undo in two months. Long story short, I was broke. Flat broke. I didn't have money to do anything. I wouldn't run my heat because I knew I didn't have money to pay it. So by having a roommate for two months, I thought I could 'get ahead.' What was I thinking??

Anyway, so after panicking for about two hours, because I had no clue what I was going to do, I texted my dear friend and coworker, Kate. After talking we came up with a solution. We would pack up everything, put it all in storage, and move in with someone until I could get things back on track, for real this time. While this was a great plan, I was still freaking out. I was having to give up my apartment. I had lived on my own and worked so hard for that place. It was my place. My table. My couch. My television. Mine. 

My friends William and Alicia had so graciously offered to let me live with them temporarily until I found a long term solution. So it was final. I was moving out. And the timing of the situation was a God thing. I say that because my roommate moved out on Saturday and I was supposed to sign a new lease on Monday, committing me to another year. 

So the packing began. A two bedroom, two story townhouse, that I had lived in for almost three years was going to be packed up. We had a little less than 60 hours from the time we started to packing until I had to be out. It was insane. Luckily, Kate and her husband, Nigel came to help me pack. As we were packing we didn't care too much about anything, because it was going in storage and in my mind, I would unpack it all in a month or two. So we packed, and packed, and packed some more. By Sunday night, we had majority of the house packed. Kate was so great and worked for me on Monday because at that point, I didn't have a storage unit to put everything in because they were all closed on the weekend. So Monday morning, with $80 left to my name, I got a storage unit. I remember filling out the paper work to get a unit and it asked for my address. I may have broken down a bit while I was in the office because I had no clue where to send it to. I called the church right away and asked if I could have it sent there since I knew that could be a constant. 

Then came the fun part. Loading everything in the storage unit. Because I didn't have much money, I had to get one of the smaller units and hoped it would all fit. I began taking loads over to the unit around 1pm in my car, getting the things I could because everyone was at work. As people got off work, they came and helped. Did I mention the weather?? Monday morning a huge front was moving in, expecting to drop a ton of snow, so time was important. We were rushing around to get it into storage before the storm hit. The last load was a washer and dryer. We got them to the storage unit and they would not fit. Luckily, Pastor Jordan took them off my hands so I wouldn't have to toss them. 

So here it is... my storage unit. You can't tell too much, but it was packed all the way to the top. Brandon was on top of the stuff, putting more stuff on top. 


It's weird to look at that picture because that weekend was a whirlwind. It all happened so fast. 

The next few days were rough for me. That night, I got sick, from the stress and emotions. It was hard because I was no longer 'on my own' but I was now dependent on other people to let me live with them. 

God will teach you lessons, in his own ways. Looking back, I could have used many other experiences to learn that lesson, but I don't learn well the first time. 

If I am completely honest, I am glad the way it turned out. Don't get me wrong it has been a bumpy, bumpy ride full of tears and heartache, but God hasn't left me and he is still teaching me lessons. 

This coming Easter, I will have lived with Kate and Nigel for two years. I doesn't seem like it's been that long at all. They are TRULY a God send for me. I value them in my life so much. They have been such a great support to me. And I am thankful to them for letting me be apart of their family. They are challenging me and loving on me. And God knew that I needed that after living in a dark place, emotionally, for so long. Yay for family! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

$ Money $

Saw this on Pinterest today.

Challenge Accepted. :)

How things are supposed to be...

"what screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be"

Isn't that the truth? It is in my life. Growing up I have always had this vision or dream of how I wanted things to turn out for my life. The house, the job, the family, the car, even down to the type of dog I would want. I'm a planner that is what I do. 

However, like the quote states, that can really screw a person up. Don't get me wrong, planning and dreaming are important. I feel you need things to look toward and goals to have in order to keep moving forward. It is when those ideas you have in your head aren't happening or you become so wrapped up in what you don't have to to realize what you do have, is when it becomes messed up. 

Maybe it's the new year, maybe it's the challenging conversations I've been having with people lately, but I've thought about this a lot lately. I have this idea in my head of how I thought and still think my life should be at the age of 27. I think I should be 'living the dream,' be in a relationship, have a place of my own. Instead, I am barely getting by, living paycheck to paycheck, single, and living with friends. It's not what I pictured at all. Some days I can't help but question why things haven't happened for me yet. 

Why am I so focused on what I don't have? My life is pretty great. I have awesome people surrounding me, great place to live, a good job that I like (even if the pay isn't great). If I finally get those things that I ever long for, will I be happy? My money is on no. I can't continue to believe that these things that are on this list of what I want will make me happy. I have to pick to be happy now. I am choosing to be content. 

It isn't wrong for me to want those things. Those are things I can continue to work toward and dream about. But my challenge to myself this year is to not let it be a focus. Instead I am going to focus my life on the things I have now. Live in the present. Be. 

I know my first reaction to this is to say easier said than done. But I don't have a choice. I have to be happy and be living life. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year - 2013 Resolutions

2013! Can you believe it? We are already 8 days in. Where does the time go. 

I decided to write out my "resolutions" for this year on here, so I can be held accountable. I cringe when I hear the word resolutions. I have made resolutions my entire life. The same ones every year. This year I will drop the weight for good. This year I will go on a date. This year I will have a dream job. This year ____ will finally like me. Some resolutions I can't do anything about, and some I would give up before even trying to do anything. 

Fear is a constant in my life, and has been since I can remember. Fear of trying and not succeeding. Fear of losing the weight and still not being happy with myself. It has been this driving force that has kept me running and never really ready to take the steps necessary to make change. But I'm tired of running. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else live their life and just being the cheerleader. I want my own life. I want in the game. This is my year! 

So why this year? I can't believe I'm actually going to write this, but this year feels different. I feel different. I have set forth resolutions for myself in all areas of my life and I can confidently say I believe I can accomplish them this year. Now, I'm not saying it's going to be an easy journey. Nothing worth it ever is. But this time next year, I refuse to look back and say I did nothing to challenge or change myself. And as the year goes on, some of the resolutions may evolve or change or simply fade, but I don't think its the resolutions that make a person change, its the attitude behind the resolution that calls for the change. 

So resolution time. 


  • I would like to lose 85 pound in the next 12 months. 
  • Participate in the Warrior Dash (April)
  • Run half marathon
  • Run at least six 5k races
  • At least 250 workouts this year 

  • Set up better boundaries with myself and other
  • Become better about positive self talk, rather than being down on myself
  • Not get caught up in others emotions
  • Become better at expressing my emotions to others
  • Work through being an avoider/pleaser

  • Get apartment
  • Reduce my debt to income ratio
  • Have at least $1,500 in my savings account by 2014
  • Limit my extra spending/eating out
  • Use my resources to help at least 1 person a month

  • Make prayer/devotion time priority
  • Make prayer journal of requests/needs/answers to look back at later
  • More intentional with discipleship
  • At least 2 fasts this year
  • Speak life into other people

  • Blog at least once a week
  • Meet new people
  • Go on one date
  • Limit social media/cell phone when hanging out with people
  • Being a better friend (I am taking ideas for how I can be a better friend- just msg me)

So there we go. Some of them are kind of vague, but if you would like the in depth explanation, feel free to contact me and I can walk you through my thought process. I really want this year to be one of growth in my life. I know that in 2012 I saw a lot of growth personally, but I want more! :)