Friday, October 25, 2013

The Longawaited Results...

sort of.

Yesterday, I finally got in to see the specialist of specialists for my ankle. I say finally because it has been almost a year of doctors and pain. Around this time last year, my right ankle started swelling and becoming painful to walk long distances. As time went on, it got painful to even stand on my foot.

The week of Valentines day this year, after not being able to stand the pain anymore, I went to urgent care. If you know me, you know that took a lot pain for me to go. I hate the doctor. About 3 hours and a few x-rays later, I was sent home with a sprain and was told to ice and rest it.

Fast forward a couple of months and still no change in my ankle. The pain wasn't as bad, but the swelling was still there. So back to the doctor I went. This time to my primary care doctor, who referred me to a specialist.

At the specialist's office, more x-rays, an MRI and still no answers. So he sent me on. This time to another specialist, who was the specialist of specialists, or so I was told. Yesterday, I got to see someone with "answers." I use the term answers very loosely.

Here is what I know:

---I am in an aircast for 6-8 weeks to help with some of the swelling. He said most of the swelling is caused by strain or stress on my ankle. By having it in the air cast I am able to rest it.

---After the time in the air cast, the surgery will be scheduled. He saw a small cyst on my ankle and some fluid around the bone that he wants to look at more closely. While they are in my ankle, he will explore to make sure nothing else is going on.

---Driving with this thing on my foot is a pain and awkward. I'm having to drive with my left foot.

---Sleeping is not fun. The cast is really hot. However, it is warm when I'm outside.

So there we go. Now I wait for more answers when I have surgery.

My lovely aircast. It is massive. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

#19. See a Play/Musical

A Night on the Town

This past weekend I crossed something else off my list... see a play/musical. I have become a fan of getting dressed up and going to the theatre. It's something different and fun.

Over a month of planning went into Saturday night. That's how excited we were to go. Well that and Jeff's daughter was in it. Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. was fantastic! I recommend it to anyone, especially those with children. The Little Mermaid was one of my favorite movies growing up. I had the art set, the sleeping bag, and many more items. I can not name why it was my favorite, it just was. I remember the Christmas my parents got me the art set. I was so consumed with it, they had to force me to open the other gifts.

Saturday night started with dinner at Maria's downtown with Jeff. It was great food and great company. Then we met up with Caitlin and Courtney at Springfield Little Theatre for the show. We all became friends by working at The Cup in downtown Springfield and every once in a while we all get together.

After the show, we went to The Cup for some cupcakes and laughs. It was a good night!

Sunday evening, Jeff and I went to Operazzi at The Creamery Arts Center (Springfield Regional Arts Council). It was a first experience for me, but a lot of fun. The art work was fantastic and the singing was great, especially the children. I recommend for everyone to go at least one time. And the best part, it's free (suggested donation for the food and beverages).