Friday, January 23, 2015

#84. Kiss Me at Midnight

#84. Kiss Me at Midnight.

For the first time in years, new years eve was low key this year. John and I spent the day doing things around my apartment like installing my washer and dryer and hanging curtains. After 18 months, I figured it was time to be settled. 

That afternoon, we had coffee with our dear friend, Bri. The three of us started 2014 with Andy's frozen custard, so it was nice to end the year hanging out. 

After that, John and I met up with Shelley and Andrew for dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse before heading back to their place to hang out. We ended up watching 90s music videos for most of the night.
When midnight came, I got my first new years eve kiss. (note: I did not say first kiss... I said first new years kiss. ;) )

Just after midnight....

#18. Run a 5k

Glow Run 5k

Last Saturday, September 14th, I participated in my first ever glow run. It was a 5k, at night, around downtown Springfield. I was a little intimidated by this race because I was not prepared. I had not been training, but I knew I wanted to participate. I went with a group of friends, but ended up walking/jogging/running by myself.

At first, I'll admit, I was bummed to do it alone. But with every passing mile, I was more aware of why I was doing the run. For me. Not for a friend, not for someone else. But for me. And only me. I was okay being by self.

And at the finish line, I received my first finisher's medal. It felt great.

The before:

The After:

#109. Get a Washer/Dryer

It sounds silly to put get a washer and dryer on the list of things to do before I'm 30. But for me, it's not. It needed to be a necessity.

After spending the past couple of years going to laundromats, I'm happy to say I have a washer and dryer in my apartment now. Instead of blocking out hours a week to sit and do laundry, I'm not able to do a load every once in a while.

And the best part, I didn't have to pay for them. They were left to me from a friend when she moved across country. The washer and dryer have been one of the biggest blessings.

#77. See A Counselor

#77. See a Counselor

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step."

The above quote is so true. It's hard to know at the time that the steps you are taking will change everything. But looking back, you can see it.

A year ago I was in a bad, unhealthy place, to say the least. After looking for what felt like forever for a job, I was coming up empty handed. No one wanted to hire me. I was, physically, in the worst shape I had ever been. I was at my highest weight, a number that I never thought would be possible. I was confined to my apartment because my car wasn't working. I was in a boot (or supposed to be) so walking was a pain. There were days I didn't want to do it anymore. It was too hard. I felt disconnected from God, from friends, from myself.

After going to a counseling center and experiencing some really bad sessions, John told me about an intern at his office. He said he thought she would be a good fit for me. At that point, I didn't have anything to lose.

So I took a step. I went. The first session was hard and tear filled. But refreshing at the same time. I can't say that every session was progress. In fact, the moment I thought I was making progress, we moved to every other week... then all hell broke loose in my life. The fire at work, my dad passing. What I thought I could do "alone" wasn't true. I needed someone to help me process all the things going on around me.

A year later, I am still in counseling. I don't go as often, but it is nice to know that if I needed it, I can call and make an appointment. If not, then I wait for the next scheduled appointment. It was a small step that I didn't think would change anything. But in fact, it has changed everything.

I'm a different person than I was a year ago. I am more confident and I love my life. And no that's not just because I have a boyfriend. I felt that way before he came along. I'm making progress. Life is a continual journey of processing and growth.

#20. Be Debt Free (Except Student Loans)

One of the shortest posts I've ever had. But one that seems like I need to write more just so I can convince myself it's real. But it is...

Well it's happened.

I'm happy, more like ecstatic, to say that I have completely paid off all my debt!!!! Except my student loans. Those are a work in progress, but I've come a long way.

A few years ago, I would have never imagined that would be possible. But I did it.


#72. Symphony, #129. Get Dressed Up for Dinner, & #172. Dinner on The Plaza in KC

#72. See the Symphony
#129. Get Dressed Up for Dinner
#172. Dinner on The Plaza in KC

I love music. All kinds of music. I have it playing when I'm cleaning or doing things around the house. It's a big part of my life. I think I have a "type" of music for every emotion, situation or day. I got my love of music from my dad. Growing up he always had music playing. He was a musician himself, so it was only natural that his only child would love music. Some of my favorite memories of him involve him playing the guitar in his office, going to the music store with him, or even him just letting me listen to his stereo (it was a huge deal... no one was allowed to touch it, so when he let me I felt special).

We didn't listen to much classical music, but every once in a while, he would bring it out. I have always loved seeing music live. As far as concerts go, it depends on the type of concert, but orchestra music I love seeing live. That's why John's Christmas gift meant so much. He got me a night in KC at the symphony. Because of my work schedule, we had to wait until January to go, but it worked out wonderfully.

We met at his place on a Friday morning, and began the drive to KC, after taking pictures, of course. We both looked good, if I do say so myself. I do enjoy dressing up because I don't get to do it that often.

Roadtrippin... something we both love to do. We both needed a little snack on the way up so we stopped at McDonalds and split a number 2. 

Once we arrived in Kansas City, we drove to Helzberg Hall to see the building and make sure we knew where we would be going later that evening. Next, we went to the Country Club Plaza KC to walk around and get dinner. Unfortunately, it was so cold, we didn't get to walk around too much. But we did find Barnes & Noble. We wondered around there for a while, before finding a spot in Starbucks to get some coffee. We sat at a table over looking the plaza. It was perfect. After a couple of hours there, we headed to dinner. 

We decided to go to the The Cheesecake Factory. We had left just in time and arrived before the rush. We were quickly seated up stairs in our own private booth. Dinner was delicious.

My handsome date for the evening. 

The Plaza still had all the lights up from Christmas. It was beautiful. 

Next, on to the symphony. As we walked up, we were greeted with "good evening." I felt so special. Not only to be in this gorgeous building, getting ready to see the symphony, but to be holding the arm of someone who was just as excited as I was for this new experience. We walked around for a while, before they opened the doors to the auditorium. It was breathtaking. I love architecture and this building was amazing. The view of the city was stunning. 

Next, we got in line to get our seats. We were in the balcony in center. It was perfect. We didn't have anyone on either side of us, we it felt like we were there alone. The auditorium was amazing. As people began taking their seats, I realized how happy I was in that moment. I wanted to soak it all in. When the show started, it was phenomenal. The KC Symphony was amazing. I would recommend going if you get the chance. It was nice to not only get out of Springfield but do something new.  

Friday, January 16, 2015

#80. Take Care of Myself

#80. Take Care of Myself.

Ever get to busy to take care of yourself? Make excuses of why you can't make it to the doctors/dentist? That is me to a tee. I have made excuses over the last several years when it came to taking care of myself. Some were legitimate, like no insurance, but some were just a load of crap I would tell myself to make me feel better.

Well that is changing. I have to take care of myself. I am not getting any younger. I'm a grownup. I have a real job. An apartment on my own. A boyfriend. And I want to take care of myself not only for me, but for my friends and family.

2015 is the year I start taking care of me.

And what better way to start then lining up appointments.

Eye Doctor:
I have good insurance through work and since it has been about 10 years since my last eye exam, I went for it. Turns out, I have perfect vision in my left eye. (Good news!) On the other hand, that is not the case for the right eye (insert sad face here). It is a slight stigmatism. Luckily, the vision isn't super bad, but I do have a prescription for glasses. I get to pick when I wear them, but hopefully they will help.

Always a fun one. I will spare you the details and simply say things are just fine down under.

Primary Care:
I go in a couple of weeks for a physical... so yay!

One of my goals is to get my teeth fixed. It will happen.


#120. Find a Job I love

#120. Find a Job I love

What a journey it has been to find a job, that I like. I know what you're thinking, can someone actually love their job all the time? Well the answer is probably now. But a person can love their job 90% of the time and the other 10% doesn't seem so bad. 

That is where I'm at. And here's how I go there...

Two years ago at this time I was working as a head baker at a cupcake place. After being there for three years, I realized I was never going to advance in the company, nor was I sure I wanted to. So I began looking for other positions. In July of 2013 a friend had told me about a job opening at the college I had graduated with working in the student development office. It seemed like the perfect fit for me. I ended up getting the job, and by August I was not working as a baker and I was full time in the office job. It seemed to good to be true. I was in a Christian organization and I had benefits and a regular 8-5 job and weekends off. 

For me, it was too good to be true. While I always thought I would love to work in an office, I realized it is not for me. I love moving around. I love interacting with people. Surprising, I know. Me, an introvert, loves people... yeah, I kinda do. lol. Anyways, I won't go into the details but in December I was let go. I am grateful for the opportunities that job gave me. The chance to get my carpal tunnel surgery done, the chance to meet some great people, and the chance to realize I didn't want an office job as a career. 

The next few months were very difficult for me. Personally, financially, etc. Fast forward to February, and a normal Wednesday night at Houliahns. A group of us had gone to Houlihans every Wednesday for almost a year at that point. We had gotten to know the servers and the managers. Our server that night, Amy, asked if I was still looking for a job. I said yes. Next thing I know she is giving me an application and the manager is interviewing me before my food came out. 

About a week later, I started as a daytime host. It was intimidating at first, but I like it. I was good at it. It was a strategy game for me of where to seat people to get the most money for the servers and for the business. Plus I have always loved the restaurant and hospitality industry. I'm crazy, I know, but I can't help it. 

Anyway, long story short there was a fire about 2 weeks after I started and we were out for about a month and a half. During that time, I changed. It wasn't an overnight thing, but at the same time it was. I had been seeing a counselor for 4 months, and was making progress. My father passed during that time. It was the lowest I had ever been. I had no choice but to push forward and keep going. If I didn't, who knows what would have happened. 

When we reopened from the fire, I put all of my energy in to my job. I wanted to make a great impression. I would ask for extra cleaning or organizing tasks. I loved it there. I felt like it was great fit and for once, I felt like I fit at a job. 

My boss is amazing. She has helped mold me and give me confidence in my job. Last fall, she approached me about possibly training to become a dining room supervisor (DRS). At first, I immediately thought no. There was no way I could do that. But then one day on a whim, I decided to ask what that would entail. I figured asking wouldn't hurt. 

Next thing I knew, I was training and learning how to manage. Then one day, she released the schedule for the first week of December. The same week the year before I was let go from my position at the college. What was so different about that schedule is that I was schedule to close... by myself!!! Yes, me. Alone. That was the greatest thing she could have ever done. She had enough faith in me to know I could do it. She pushed me when I was going to push myself. 

Almost 2 months later, and I am an official DRS. I close one night a week and a few other shifts and fill the rest in with host shifts. I love it! There are days when I don't like it or I get stressed out, but I love it. 

It is just a simple thing, but I look at my manager card and can't help think of how faithful God is. He has provided in ways I couldn't imagine. Had I not lost my job, and been with out a job for so long, I would have never applied at Houlihans. And now it has opened doors for a potential career. 

#12. Visit Silver Dollar City & #56. A Boyfriend for Christmas

#12. Visit Silver Dollar City
#56. A Boyfriend for Christmas

Silver Dollar City has always been fun for me. I have been going there ever since I could remember. However, we always went during the summer. About 8 years ago, I went for the first time during Christmas, but we couldn't stay too long because it was so late when we go there. Last year, I went because I was going to run the Run to the Lights 5k around the park. But that didn't work out that well either. I was in a boot for it, so we walked around for a bit and then came home. 

This time was different. While I had hoped I would be dating someone, I never added it to the list of things I wanted to do before I was 30, until now. I guess I figured the list was for me. Things I wanted to do, things I wanted to accomplish. Doing them with someone would be great, but I came to the conclusion, if I had to do things alone, or with friends, I was going to. It was for me. But I am extremely blessed with a boyfriend who wants me to be successful with my list as well. And is willing to go on adventures and take pictures. :)

This was at The Barn Christmas party!

John and I were going to be apart for about 8 days because he was going to be with his family for Christmas, so we spent a day together before he left. Celebrating Christmas with each other and just hanging out. The whole day. It was lovely. 

John & Angela's Day of Fun 2014:

Breakfast at Gailey's was the first stop. Followed by At Home (home decor store) because it is always fun to walk around stores like that. 

Then we exchanged gifts... more on my gift in a later post. Then off to Branson to Silver Dollar City!

It was a great day with a great guy! He's pretty awesome!