Yesterday, I turned 28. Two more years and I turn the big 3-0! So, I decided I needed to live it up for the next two years. I'm not actually freaking out about being 30, I am more freaking out about all the things I have wanted to do in my life that I haven't. I have been too scared, too intimidated, to self conscious, etc. But it's time I take back my life. So here is my list. I know I may not get everything done, but I am going to work hard to get what I can done.
I'll update more as I go. I may add something to mark it off. Some stuff is on here more than once because I want to do it more than once. As I complete, I will mark it off and link it to a blog entry.
*Update: A lot of things on the list are duplicate. It's not that I made a mistake and didn't realize it. It's because each play, each 5k, each event is different. They say it's the smallest things that make the biggest memories. It's true. The little moments can add up to a huge list of 200 things to accomplish in 2 years. I may not go to all the places I want to and the list has morphed over the last few months, but so have I. This list is more about me living life and not taking the small things for granted and challenging myself to do new things, than it is a bucket list. And who's to say life ends at 30. I'm looking forward to my 30s. To be honest the 20s haven't been the greatest until this last year.*
Here we go... (in no particular order)
- Take a Road Trip (complete - read here)
- Go on a date (complete - read here)
- Participate
in a marathon
- Participate
in a half marathon (complete - read here)
- Be
in NYC at New Year’s Eve
- See
the ocean (east coast)
- Go
to Crystal Bridges Art Museum (complete - read here)
- See
the ocean (west coast)
- Spend
a day at the beach
- Get
a tattoo (complete - read here)
- Sky
- Visit Silver Dollar City (complete - read here)
- See
a Broadway play
- Go
on a weekend get-away (complete - read here)
- Travel
to another country
- Try
something new (complete - read here)
- Do something different with my hair (complete - read here)
- Run
a 5k (complete - read here)
- See
a play/musical (complete - read here)
- Be
debt free (except Student Loans) (complete - read here)
- Attend
an NFL game (complete - read here)
- Ride
in a hot air balloon
- Build a snowman
- Take
a ballroom dancing class
- Take
a ride in a helicopter
- Buy
a new car (complete - read here)
- Make a new recipe (complete - read here)
- Take
up a new hobby (complete - read here)
- Paint Pottery
- Go shooting (complete - read here)
- Get a tattoo (complete - read here)
- Be
at a healthy weight
- Eat Somewhere New (complete - read here)
- Ask someone out on a date (complete - read here)
- Let
off sky lanterns
- SGF Festival of Lights (complete - read here)
- Attend
the ballet
- Go to a baseball game (complete - read here)
- Go
- Go
to a hockey game
- Go Mountain Biking (complete - read here)
- Take a Road Trip (complete - read here)
- Throw
a dinner party (complete - read here)
- Visit my mom for her Birthday (complete - read here)
- Take a painting class for fun (complete - read here)
- Carve a pumpkin
- Go
on a carriage ride
- Take
a train somewhere
- Go
to Chicago
- Go
up in the arch
- Go to a bonfire (complete - read here)
- Do something out of my comfort zone (complete - read here)
- Run through the fountains at Jordan Valley
- Attend
a play (complete - read here)
- Go Ice Skating
- A Boyfriend for Christmas (complete - read here)
- Attend
a play
- Go
to a STL Cardinals game
- Do Good. Support Charity (complete - read)
- Spend
the day at a spa getting pampered
- Go
to Fantastic Caverns
- Make a care package and send it to someone
- A Family Thanksgiving (complete - read here)
- Buy
a new mattress set
- Visit
an art museum (complete - read here)
- Attend
a play/musical
- Participate in a 10k (complete - read here)
- Do
something spontaneous
- Join
a bowling league
- First Snow Selfie (complete - read here)
- Spend an evening out of town (complete - read here)
- See
a symphony (complete - read here)
- Go to a New Restaurant (complete - read here)
- Go to a Piano Bar (complete - read here)
- Take
a picture in Times Square
- Visit
Washington, D.C.
- See a Counselor (complete - read here)
- Visit
- Visit
- Take Care of Myself (complete - read here)
- Weekend on the Lake
- Go
to the Dixie Stampede
- Go
to silver Dollar city at Christmas (complete - read here)
- Kiss Me At Midnight (complete - read here)
- Get
my teeth fixed
- Pick
a (new to me) show and watch all the seasons (complete - read here)
- Have a date on Valentines Day (complete - read here)
- Give my 5 minute story (complete - read here)
- Run a 5k (complete - read here)
- Celebrate a year at Houlihans (complete - read here)
- Learn
to swim
- Play a round of golf
- Visit
an art museum (complete - read here)
- Run
a 5k
- Read the Bible all the way through
- Play Pool (complete - read here)
- Dance
at an event or wedding.
- Have surgery to fix carpal tunnel in my wrist (complete - read here)
- Make a creative gift for someone (complete - read here)
- Build a fort inside and read all day
- Go
- Find
out my family's medical history
- Fly a Kite
- Japanese Stroll Garden
- Springfield Zoo
- Go to the shooting range and shoot guns (complete - read here)
- Go
to the driving range
- Build a sandcastle
- Get a washer/dryer (complete - read here)
- Read a book
- Go
to a comedy show
- Stargaze
- Ride bike to Bolivar and back
- Challenge myself (complete - read here)
- Make
a recipe book
- Go
to a corn maze (complete - read here)
- Sign up for OMRR(complete - read here)
- Half Way to Goal Weight (complete - read here)
- Get
a pedicure (complete - read here)
- Find a job I love (complete - read here)
- Go
to a drive in theatre
- Go
to movies in the park
- Go
to a hot air balloon festival
- Get
a manicure (complete - read here)
- Run
the GO! St Louis
- Participate in a half marathon (complete - read here)
- Have
my makeup done professionally (complete - read here)
- Read a book
- Get
dressed up for dinner (complete - read here)
- New hair do (complete - read here)
- Buy
new running shoes (complete - read here)
- Get a pedicure (complete - read here)
- Take
a trip to visit a friend (complete - read here)
- Give announcements at church
- Buy
a random person's meal
- Try a new recipe (complete - read here)
- Beat
a personal goal
- Try A New Restaurant (complete - read here)
- Dance
in the rain
- Go to Catholic Mass (complete - read here)
- Visit a New State
- Attend
a Murder Mystery dinner
- Finish a puzzle (2000 pieces or more) (complete - read here)
- Try a New Restaurant (complete - read here)
- Drive
around looking at lights (complete - read here)
- Take
a cooking class
- Go
on vacation (complete - read here)
- Eat somewhere new (complete - read here)
- Go to Nashville
- Attend
a festival (complete - read here)
- Road Trip (complete - read here)
- Go
to the zoo
- Get Dressed up for Dinner (complete - read here)
- Make
an entire meal from scratch
- Try
a new recipe
- DIY Project (complete - read here)
- See The Grand Ole Opry
- Go to the casino (complete - read here)
- Try something new
- Go
to Eureka Springs/Christ of the Ozarks (complete - read here)
- Dinner on The Plaza in KC (complete - read here)
- Have
a girls night out
- Go to Springfield Cardinals Game (complete - read here)
- Road
trip with friends
- Go
to a State Fair
- Go
to a rodeo
- Go
to St Louis Cardinals game (all inclusive seats)
- Attend
a festival
- Go
- Take
an interest class
- Set
up a retirement fund
- Have
at least $5,000 in savings
- Celebrate my 29th birthday (complete - read here)
- Walk this Way (complete - read here)
- Eat somewhere new (complete - read here)
- Have
a picnic
- Learn
to change a flat tire (refresher)
- Eat out somewhere new (complete - read here)
- Buy
a new outfit for my 30th birthday
- Half Marathon (complete - read here)
- Go mini-golfing (complete - read here)
- Buy
a little black dress
- Tailgate at an NFL Game (complete - read here)
- Plan
a rockin 30th Bday party
- Make
a list of 30 things to do in my 30th year
Here's to the best years yet!
Great list, Angela! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see that the Grand Canyon made the list! :)